27 januari 2012

A Rose Gold Love Affair

Damnit! It al started with a itsy bitsy tiny ring piercing for my helix... and it's starting to turn into an outright obsession:


I have no words to explain to you HOW MUCH I am in love with anything ROSE GOLD at this point. I'm definately on the peruse.

IF ONLY Casio would make a Mini Digital Watch in ROSE GOLD! I would never ask for anything else in my life. 
My life would be complete.

First photo unknown
Second photo by Style Hurricane
Last photo by Love Aesthetics

2 opmerkingen:

  1. OMG, I love that arm cuff. Who's the designer?

  2. totally agree, I would be all over a rose gold casio watch! I already have the normal gold one... :)

    Dani of glitzerglitzer.com


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