23 februari 2011

Get armoured!

Get this beauty of an armour ring for only 8 pounds (was 10 pounds) at ASOS.com - ASOS also offers free shipping at the moment so its a steal! Ive been wanting this specific one for a while now so I placed my order!

Best of all: all sizes are still available!

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Awesome rings!
    Anyways, I found this blog on your Fashiolista profile and I really like it!
    Follow each other?

  2. I love that ring, I'll buy it for me!



  3. Lovely!
    Follow me back!
    xo DC

  4. OMG! i've been searching it like a freak really!! thanks it has helped me a lot! lovely stuff in ur blog! im following :) http://googot.blogspot.com/
    PD. thanks for comment!!


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